
Oscar's Blue Bandana
Oscar, a playful and talented Havanese dog, loves to make people smile by showing off his many tricks. When he is given the chance to become a therapy dog, this loving pup is delighted by the idea of spreading even more joy. But on test day Oscar unexpectedly has to face his biggest fear.
Will Oscar be able to overcome the challenge so he can follow his dream?
Podcast: Kids' Questions Answered
What does a therapy dog do?
Wendy Goldstein, author and therapy dog owner, tells Dr. Danger and Super Eddie what a therapy dog is and what important characteristics a dog must have to become a therapy dog. She describes Oscar’s routine before and after he visits kids who are in the hospital. Wendy tells us how she knew Oscar was meant to become a therapy dog, and some of the impacts he has had in his visits. You can learn how Oscar trained for his therapy dog test and what happened on test day in Wendy’s book, “Oscar’s Blue Bandana”. It’s available as an ebook or in print.

Podcast: Getting to The Heart of Why We Write
Better Than Fiction Characters and Crucial Community
Wendy Goldstein speaks with Gina Soldano-Herrle about bringing a book to life with real characters at author visits as well as how crucial community is to writing.
Podcast: The Curious Compassionate Podcast
The Curious Compassionate Meets Author Wendy Goldstein
What can a dog do? You will definitely be surprised. Wendy Goldstein speaks with The Curious Compassionate about what it means to be a therapy dog and Oscar’s path to achieve it.

Animals and what they can mean to us
Interview: Lauri Fortino's Frog On A (B)Log
Interview Alert: Wendy Goldstein
Calling all dog lovers! Happy Dog Therapy Appreciation Day! Please welcome Wendy Goldstein to Frog on a Blog! It’s a real treat to have Wendy here today to talk about her picture book Oscar’s Blue Bandana, which she both wrote and illustrated. The book stars her very own adorable dog Oscar, a Havanese, who is a real-life therapy dog. Wendy and Oscar visit kids at a cancer treatment center in New York City and a home for children and their families who receive care at New York City hospitals. Oscar’s story melts my heart, and I know it will warm yours as well. Let’s hear more from Wendy!